General Conditions of Use

Once you have enrolled for a course in adestudios – formación superior ,  we understand that you accept the following rules and conditions of our learning centre:

1. Registration is free. Nevertheless, students must complete the online registration form available on our website:  and accept the rules and conditions.

2. Lesson payments will be made at least 72 hours before the start of the first pre-booked class.

3. Extra lessons or lesson packs cannot be pre-booked more than 2 weeks in advance. The total amount corresponding to all the booked lessons must be paid at least 72 hours in advance to confirm the final reservation. If not, the school reserves the right to change your booked lessons or to give that time slot to another student who is waiting for a place. During examination periods, no more than 4 hours of individual classes will be able to be booked with the same teacher in the same week.

4. The proportional amount of a lesson will not be returned under no circumstances if students arrive late, are absent or leave before finishing the lesson.

5. As for lesson packs and extra lessons, if you will not be able to go to your booked lesson, you must inform us at least 24 hours before the lesson. Otherwise, students will be charged.

6. Bonuses of individual classes are considered bonuses from 4 hours. According to the number of hours, the bonus will have a price or another.

7. At certain times set by the school, it reserves the right to include more students in your booked lesson, as long as you want to see the same topic.

8. In case that the teacher need to provide the students with our personalized summaries, they will only be delivered and will be visible in our Moodle (Campus Virtual) for those current paying students who are studying the subject. They will be delivered to the student without any possibility of another student collecting it on their behalf.

9. If you wish to unsubscribe from one of our courses,  you must notify at least the last week of the previous month by sending an email to the address: with the subject: “NAME OF THE STUDENT-BAJA CURSO: NAME OF THE COURSE “and writing in the body of the text the exact day or month we have to unsubscribe you. Otherwise, the next monthly payment must be full paid.

10. Payments will be made according to the number of people in the group at the time of its creation. In case that more students get added and the course price decreases due to our price range, the corresponding amount will be returned at the end of the month, as well as if the number of students drops and the course price moves to the next price band before the end of the month, the difference must be paid.

En cumplimiento de lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y en el Real Decreto 1720/2007 de Desarrollo de la LOPD, le informamos que, para la utilización de determinados servicios que ofrece Mª CARMEN ANGULO DELGADO (ADESTUDIOS) es necesario que el usuario proporcione determinados datos de carácter personal. Estos datos serán incorporados a un fichero responsabilidad del titular de la misma. No obstante, si no desea que los datos personales facilitados por Vd. sean tratados en nuestros ficheros puede comunicárselo a nuestro personal. El usuario tiene la posibilidad de ejercer derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición en los términos establecidos en la legislación vigente, pudiendo dirigirse a este mismo establecimiento. Mª CARMEN ANGULO DELGADO (ADESTUDIOS) garantiza que ha adoptado las medidas oportunas de seguridad en sus instalaciones, sistemas y ficheros.